Red header image, symbolizing professionalism and continuing education at Management School St. Gallen.

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Frequently asked questions

by clients interested in an event

Our training courses are aimed at 

  • young leaders, junior managers
  • experienced leaders, senior managers

We ensure that there is the right balance of participants in our events. Some events are explicitly designed for junior or senior managers.

Yes, we offer English impulse days, English seminars and English certifications in both our Open and Corporate Programs. If you are interested in events in English, there are several ways of finding out more:

  • go to «Competences» and select «IME - International Management Education». Here you will find all events described in English, alongside events that focus on internationalization.
  • go to «Seminar finder» and under «topics» select «International Business».
  • Call us and share your ideas direct with us, to create a suitable proposal.

Firstly, it depends on whether the event you have in mind is an Open Program or a Corporate Program.

Open Program events are not large-scale. Tell us your special requests and particular issues about two weeks before the event. Where possible, we and the lecturer will try to incorporate them into the program.

The Corporate Programs framework allows for the highest degree of individualization. As well as booking a standard package, you have the option of booking your own Customized Program. Topics and issues are identified in conversation with us. A professional consultation with one of our experts or the chosen lecturer for the program serves as a dialogue to determine the specific content of your event.

by clients booking an event

Yes. After entering participant details, click on «Add more participants».

Yes. At the bottom of the registration form, you will find boxes for «Alternative billing address» and «Alternative correspondence address».

Yes. At the bottom of the registration form, you will find the «Notes». box. If you enter an order number or other reference number here, it will appear on your invoice.

by clients interested in an in-house event

Yes. All of our training services are bookable as in-house events. Our range of company-specific services spans classic seminars, targeted expertise impulse days and leadership development programs. We offer customized programs that are tailored to your requirements, in addition to well-established packages. You can determine the degree to which the program is specifically tailored to your company and sector.

Do you have a preferred topic that isn’t covered by our Open Programs? Do you have special requirements relating to the venue, duration and content of your training program? In each case, please get in touch with us. Our portfolio comprises a broad spectrum of topics and training formats, not all of which are described on our home page. Together we can develop the most appropriate concept for your requirements.

As a rule, an in-house training course (seminar, impulse event) is financially viable for 5 to 8 or more employees per training topic. However, in principle we can offer concepts for all  audience sizes — and in the case of Corporate Conferences and Keynotes, even for large symposia with up to 10,000 people. Equally, individual coaching and top executive sparring sessions are available to book.

Our St Gallen Leadership Development Programs adopt a holistic approach to training. They consist of modules with mutually compatible and sequential content that are intelligently combined with sustainable transfer measures and blended learning. On the basis of your overriding development strategy — which we will be happy to devise with you — we will define the content, objectives and methods together that pave the most efficient route to your success.

Yes, of course. When we develop our Corporate Programs, we take great care to combine the «What» and the «How» in a creative way. Examples of this are:
virtual work spaces, learning platforms and moderated web sessions
use of learning nuggets, such as podcasts, videos or inspiring publications before and between teaching modules
up-to-date use of training formats, such as Action Learning Expeditions, Design Thinking formats or Innovation Journeys

Basically, all programs are available in German and English, and the majority also in Italian and French. Additional languages on request.