Petrol header image, symbolizing professionalism and continuing education at Management School St. Gallen.

Fairness in business.
Black on white.

Terms and conditions

for Open Programs

Please click on the headline to see the general terms and conditions for each topic.

Your registration is binding. You will receive a written reminder of your participation before the start of the event. We reserve the right to make small alterations to the program and changes to speakers and hotels.

for impulse days

The daily rate at the venue is included in the price. Participants should settle any additional costs at the hotel reception before their departure.

for seminars, programs, certificates and diplomas

When you make your reservation, you will receive an overview of locally bookable board and lodging costs. We will be pleased to make a reservation for you at the hotel hosting the event, and would ask you to send us the necessary information.
In this case, we act as an agent — the hotel venue is the contracting party. Participants should settle their hotel bill at reception on the last day of the event.
Absence without prior notification or late cancellation of hotel arrangements by the participant will result in cancellation costs being charged direct by the relevant hotel.

for impulse days

The event fee includes participation, event documentation and the daily rate at the venue.

for seminars, programs, certificates and diplomas

The event fee includes participation and extensive event documentation. It does not include board and lodging. Where a participant only attends parts of the event, they may not make up missed days. Part-time attendance is not possible.

Should you need to withdraw your registration, your event fee will be refunded as follows:

for impulse days

up to 4 weeks before the start of the event: 100%

for seminars

up to 8 weeks before the start of the event: 100%
up to 4 weeks before the start of the event: 50%

for programs, certificates and diplomas

up to 8 weeks before the start of the first module: 100%
up to 4 weeks before the start of the first module: 50%

After this time period, it is no longer possible to make any refunds or credits.

However, regardless of this you are welcome to name a replacement participant if you yourself are unable to attend the event you have booked. This must be done in writing up to ten days before the start of the conference.

Withdrawal conditions from events based on particular promotions or special offers may be different from the general terms and conditions. You will receive clear information about these discrepancies in writing.

Should you need to re-book your event, the following costs apply:

for impulse days

up to 4 weeks before the start of the event: free of charge
up to 10 days before the start of the event: EUR 500.- I CHF 575.-

for seminars

up to 8 weeks before the start of the event: free of charge
up to 4 weeks before the start of the event: EUR 500.- I CHF 575.-

for programs, certificates and diplomas

up to 8 weeks before the start of the first module: free of charge
up to 4 weeks before the start of the first module: EUR 500.- | CHF 575.-

Re-booking to a later date or for a different event may only be done once. Refunds are not possible once a booking has been changed.

Re-booking conditions for events based on particular promotions or special offers may be different from the general terms and conditions. You will receive clear information about these discrepancies in writing.

Where insufficient numbers register, we reserve the right to cancel the event up to one month before the start. The Management School St.Gallen will change your booking free of charge to a later date or another equivalent event. Additional claims by the participant, such as the reimbursement of travel expenses, are excluded. We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance.

In situations where the participant or organizer cancels due to force majeure, claims on both sides will be relinquished.

Event fees are to be transferred without deducting bank charges, postage etc. Unauthorized deductions will be recharged. The invoice amount is to be paid 6 weeks at the latest before the start of the event. Where a participant has registered at short notice, the invoice must be paid by the start of the event.

The sole court of jurisdiction for all disputes is St.Gallen. Swiss law shall apply.

for Corporate Programs

The Terms and Conditions for Corporate Programs may vary by project. They are specified in the individual project offer.