Management, control and leadership | Future-oriented management requires an ever greater degree of mastery over people and cultural processes. As a leader you need the following in order to meet these challenges: Ideas | Values | Courage | Energy
You also need the ability and modesty to be led: by the market, by specialists, by your own team.
Ideas: Networked thinking and problem-solving | The basic principles of systematic and networked thinking. Problem-solving, creativity and thinking out of the box. Integration of ideas.
Values: Leadership and personality | Impact of own personality on working and management style, communication and team behavior. Personal and organizational core values. Value system and self-esteem.
Energy: Perception and assessment | The personal frame of reference and its impact on perception, assessment and communication. The importance of clearly set goals for motivation and assessment. Motivating and coaching yourself and others.
Courage: Conflict resolution and risk | Changing your perspective and a fundamental philosophy of appreciation. Giving and receiving feedback. Open and authentic communication. Coping with responsibility. Constructive conflict resolution.
Communication | The basic principles of good communication. Ways of winning others over to your own position. Managing multinational teams.
Leading yourself | Managing yourself. Self-esteem and health. Stress and work-life balance.
Leading teams | Efficient and constructive structuring of teamwork. The limits of teamwork. Effective structuring of team meetings. Team reviews.
Leading change | Love it, change it, or leave it … The course and predictability of change processes. Communication and management in the various phases. Essentials of change management.
Leading leaders | Good communication of objectives and strategy. Developing accountability and self-determination.